I have to say that I am impressed with how many of you continue to visit my little blog here. After placing the visitor counter on the side, I have quickly had over 100 visits in the past few days. I love being able to share these little tid-bits of humour and inspiration as I go proceed through life.
Today was a great day to be alive. More and more I am realizing that the present situation that we are in is actually what our life mainly consists of. Most people accumulate vacation pay at a rate of 4% and 6% if you have seniority. 8% if you are my boss, sorry just kidding!
The point I am trying to make is that we so look forward to the 4 percent of our lives when we can finally do what we want. I think that we are missing out though. If we could only see what our lives would be like if we didn't keep our nose to the grindstone working.
I can remember when I broke my ankle and couldn't work or do the things I wanted for a specific period. I would lie there watching TV for days promising myself that as soon as I was healed up I would ride my bike, play sports and be active whenever I could. Of course when I healed up, I didn't do the things I promised myself I would. This is something that I regret.
I want to take a pledge with all of you who are willing to not let another moment slip by without acting on every opportunity available. When it is time to rest lets rest, but when its time to work let's work our fingers to the bone. (This is a big accomplishment for someone who types at a computer all day!)
Life simply can't be made up of that 4% vacation time we get a year. Lets live each day to the fullest. As Mother Theresa said, "I'll have plenty of time for rest when my days on earth are over."
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