Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Recycled Instruments

I must be on a recycling kick these days, but here's another video of the amazing things that we can do with product that was destined for the landfill.  Not only does this video show a community rising up to create something wonderful, but it inspires us all to think about creating something unique with what we have.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cardboard Bicycle

This has got to be one of the coolest things I've hear of.  Please have a look and tell me what you think!

The Spit Flute

Hughie showing of his amazing musical ability.  I give you...the spit flute!

Studying for a Final

I have been preparing for another final exam this past week and feeling the stress of it all.  The money it costs to take these courses, the burden it puts on everyone and the time and energy that the courses take up.  When you don’t pass an exam, there are a number of reasons why you can feel sorry for yourself. 

I read a good little tid bit from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.  It said that school work is a lot like farming.  You cannot “cram” on the farm and expect your crops to grow overnight.  It takes time and attention.  This was somewhat reassuring as I have put a lot of time into this course.  I hope that my crops will be ready in time for the exam!

One of the other things that I’ve been thinking about while fumbling through a few prayers for the test is the wedding feast at Cana.  It’s kind of the perfect rosary mystery for students. Why? The Groom at the banquet knows how many people are coming to the wedding.  He has enough food, places to sit and everything else, but totally forgets to get enough wine.  He has not prepared properly for the big event. 

To avoid the embarrassment of disappointing his family and friends, the groom petitions Mary who then convinces Our Lord to perform a miracle that saves his bacon. Instead of having to tell everyone that the wedding celebration will have to be cut short, the celebration carries on without event.  The groom gets the credit for serving the best wine last.  Sound familiar students?  So next time you have not done enough preparing, say the Luminous Mysteries with particular emphasis on the Wedding Feast at Cana.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


It's Christmas time once again.  Its been pretty busy around our house with getting ready for the holidays and me preparing for the big exam next week.  I'm glad that I got the link working on facebook, and I'm happy that you decided to visit the blog today.  I'll be posting more photos post exam as there will be more time, but for now you have to be content with my ramblings.

Hope everyone is enjoying the time before Christmas and not busying themselves too much.  I look forward to slower times and less to do.

Mommy Life

As I mentioned earlier, one of my most revered blog writers tragically passed away in November.  I am just stunned by her death as she was about the age of my Mom.  She came home from a trip one day, sat down in a chair and had a stroke just before her husband left for the weekend.  She was an amazing woman and wrote about most of her life on her blog.  She had nine kids naturally.  After her final child was diagnosed with down syndrome, she and her husband decided to adopt 3 more down syndrome children.

Mer and I first heard about her when one of her daughters was in the pre-finals of American Idol.  After reading her remarks on so many subjects over the years and developing a real respect for her opinion, I am truly stunned by her death.

I invite you all to take a look at her website that her widower husband is now maintaining.  It was always such a resource and I would like to invite all of you to take a look at the older posts and see if there is any information that any of you would find helpful.  There are tidbits on big families, down syndrome and just living out your Catholic faith in whatever way possible.

I will truly miss you Barbara Curtis.  May God have mercy on your soul.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Catholics Come Home

The new Catholics Come Home initiative is one of the biggest things to happen to the church since I can remember.  This website and the information that it contains is so exciting.  They boast that there is a 20% increase in the mass attendance after they run a set of Catholics Come Home commercials in a given area.

I have found that the website is not only useful for "historic" Catholics, but also for those who have not been away from the Church at all.  I found that this is such a great thing to get excited about.  I really feel that the Holy Spirit is working to get people excited about evangelization and reaching out to those who just need help to come back.

For all those who have been considering coming back to the Church, its never too late!  Check out this website and start feeling the warmth that living your faith gives your soul.  Our hearts are restless until they rest in you Lord.

Discombobulate Defined


1. To throw into a state of confusion

2. To befuddle or perplex

3. The state one enters into upon having their 8th child.
Leilani starting to talk...kind of.

This morning

What is it about starting the day with a routine that kicks you into super achiever mode. I love it when I can have a plan for the morning and just start knocking things off this list one by one. This morning was no such morning. After remembering that I have an eye exam at 10am, I found that there is nothing more distracting than a mid morning appointment.

I do find solace in the fact that I can write these things down on the blog, but I wish life were more simple sometimes.

 I hope all of you have a more productive morning and day than I. There remains so much to pray about. The passing of Barbara Curtis (a long time blogger hero of mine) and my looming exam. I ask that Jesus perform another miracle for me today and rescue me from my laziness that seems to get the best of me most days. Lord take away my keenness for distraction and replace my desires with your comforting presence.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Night time reflection of sacrifice

Studying for another CASB exam is no fun ordeal. I long for times when I was able to spend more time goofing around and enjoying my time with my wife and kids more. Alas the school machine keeps me progressing towards a more secure future for myself and my kiddies. The knowledge that Heaven will allow us all to spend time doing whatever is most pleasant is a great relief for me. I feel that there are so many lost opportunities here on Earth with the restriction of time and priorities. I long to enter into a period of eternal timelessness with a loving God. The sacrifice is worth the effort now I suppose. So with that I will leave you tonight. Take Care!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My sweet little boy saying good morning to his Daddy. Hugs will call to his brothers and sisters to say, hey get me out of bed! Then he comes downstairs to get his breakfast from mom. Following his little top up he is thick into mischief. He has been having quite a difficult time with colds and flu bugs, but the tough little guy just keeps powering through it all.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Big O Steals the Show

These kids can seriously get comfortable in any position. They are always in such awkward sleeping arrangements. Wish I could get comfortable sleeping in such ways!

Longing for the Icerink

Heres Big O pullin out the hockey gear early to try and get things started. Too bad he couldn't get anyone else interested in playing against him. Can't help but eagerly await the time when we can make some ice and get the skating rink going.

Desktop background

Here is the image that I stare at every day that reminds me of one of the best trips Mer and I have ever been on. How we long to go back! One day we will cisit you again Paris!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rockin Like a Boss

Here's a clip from a little mahem around the house. If Jimi only knew the crazy antics that his music was causing!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pre School Graduation

We had a big event happen the other day when our family welcomed another graduated preschooler to our house of decorated individuals. Lucia proudly displays her ceremonial gown as Mom got her all ready for her big event. Andrew said that he understood how Lucy was graduating, but that he would have to stay another year as he's not quite big enough yet.

Its hard to believe that she has already put in her time at the preschool and is now ready to start the new world of Kindergarten. She was one of the bravest kids to head off to school, in fact she couldn't wait. She would get her back pack ready and pack her lunch while watching the other kids getting on the bus.

There wasn't a moment of hesitation when she was finally old enough to pack up her bag for real and head out to the bus. I think it will be a different experience for Andrew when Lucia is not around to look out for him next year. The girls have a way of looking after their younger brothers that is really special. Boys sometimes seem a little too energetic for their own good. A good big sister can always help to bring them back to reality. Although a little independence will probably do Andrew some good.

Girl Slaloms Like a Boss

I had to repeat the title, it was funny. You have to check out this roller blading, pretty cool:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Believe in Yourself!

Okay friends, you must watch this video below, SO CUTE!! And what a message too! I had to watch this one before watching the Canucks play tonight. I think that some of them may have watched it too. Definitely Luongo!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Backyard Party

To my delight I was treated to a backyard tea party. Well, there was no tea, but there was an elaborate amount of ceremony! My little girls arranged this ordeal all on their own, so I quickly grabbed the camera and headed out back for some sneaky pictures. I wasn't able to hide long before they saw me and were embarrassed, but I was still able to get some shots of their adorable little game.

It was so hot out today, and after a night of excitement last night, it was just what the doctor ordered. The Canucks were the catalyst to a fairly action packed evening. What a game though, well worth celebrating. Here's a little glimpse of what Vancouver was like last night after the game:

Trip to the Vancouver Aquarium

Last week I was a temporary bachelor as Mer took the kids for a fun little trip down to Vancouver. Her mom went along with her and they made a little holiday out of it. Here are a few shots of the baby admiring some slightly larger mammals. We saw some aquariums down in the states, but I must say that the Vancouver Aquarium is one on the nicest in North America. The kids had a great time and I was able to get a huge amount of school work finished too!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Has it really been five months since the last blog post! Wow I'm amazed. I am taking five minutes here to say that the blog is back in town. I may not have a heap of stuff to post, but I would like to keep the crew informed. Cheers to my friend Sara who kicked me in the butt to get this blog back up and running.

I don't have any really current photos to post, but I would like to share a video that I'm totally impressed with. So anyway hope you all enjoy and we'll see you soon!